What a night. It started off slowly, and built up into a crescendo of drunken boobery. Well, not too bad really. But there were lots of drunks around tonight. I saw a lot of people as I drove in, mainly sitting on the sidewalks. Something about it seemed...not right. And after a couple of minor contacts we had ourselves a full on rockin' good time at the end.
Tonight's form is the Japanese style known as senryu. Similar to haiku, but more concerned with humans and their nature, rather than nature itself. It's supposed to run about 17 syllables total in the three lines, but I know I fudged a couple of them. And I wrapped up with a haiku.
(with apologies to Elton John)
Saturday Nights All Right
People are fragile
I almost hit two crossing
Made one cry
Giant truck hits a curb
Eight girls inside, seven are drunk
It's not her real car
I saw him stumbling
Then I saw him peeing
I saw ALL of him for Pride
More fragile people
Crossing the tracks where others died
Be careful this night, and later
Fight at a bar
We're there within moments
One taken away
Down with the one, another
Second fight, same bar
I begin to hate that place
Suspect released, no charge
The "victim" started it all
Trampy sister was the source
The sky is clearing
Today should be a nice day
And yet, I must sleep
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