Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 11, 2011 - 0500

Amazingly, it looks like my computer is going to cooperate for an on-time publish of today's poetry. Fingers crossed it will keep this up all week.

Tonight we had three guys working, which is a rarity around here lately. It's usually me and one other guy, so when I saw the extra it made me both smile and pensive. Extra man power is always welcome, but it also means I have no excuse to leave and back up the other officer. I'm stuck listening to my peer rant and rave about whatever is bugging him.

I captured the highlights in a rondel. Easy rhyme and syllable structure, unlike a traditional sonnet. Sonnets always give me fits, and I'm not sure why. But ones like this, which are close to a sonnet form, are no problem. The struggles of artists, I know.

Three On, First Night Back

At first it seemed a good idea
And is, when you just do your job
Ticket an ambulance? Let's be clear
That just makes you look like a knob

Outside you cannot have your beer
Not sober or a drunken slob
At first it seemed a good idea
And is when you just do your job

Be cool and you are out of here
Headed home, if you shut your gob
Felony charges hang on your cob
Off to county you'll go so clear
At first, it seemed a good idea

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