This originally started out as what I call a "snippet". Just a little bit of verse or a few lines that I save and hope to fill out into something later. I ended up writing the whole thing in about 20 minutes.
It was the deepest part of the night
Just before it becomes morning
As the dog and I walked
In our dark neighborhood
From my right I heard
A coyote bay
A sharp, long, lonely sound
A lost friend. A sad cry
We walked on; it didn't seem close
But who could tell
Echoes and trees have a way
Of distorting a sounds direction
Then from the left
Another coyote calls
Answering a friends call
Friends finding friends in the blackness
At first, I smiled
Nature at it's most natural
Two scavenger-predators
Out for a meal and a chat
But the baying kept on
My dog, oblivious to the potential danger
Kept at the business of her business
Nose to the ground, ears missing her kin
I understood what was happening
At least, I felt like I did
We were being watched
We were being followed
Turning us back towards the house
The call and respond followed
Down the sidewalk and to the driveway
Never getting closer, always following
I let out my breath as we went inside
They couldn't get in our house
My grip relaxed on the butt of my pistol
My dog begged for her treat