Sometimes Money Isn't Worth The Cost
While the money is always good
And appreciated when the time comes
The times missed with my wife and dog
Are not measured in dollars and cents
I am not worried about the lost sleep
While I am out on the road patrolling
It's the time lost with my family at home
Worried about me that's precious and gone
The pup remembers me when I come home
Whether it's midnight or four in the morning
My wife sleeps a fitful sleep when I'm not there
When I am out making the city safe for strangers
Every hour, minute, second that I am over
I am under pressure, self-induced, to make a difference
There is no pressure to do anything but be there
But I am more than just a body in a car
Crawling the streets, I am more than a uniform
In a gaudily decorated automobile; standing out in the dark
I am standing out in the dark to keep
Bad guys at bay, and so that good people can sleep
Even when my wife, at home alone, can't sleep well until I am there with her.