Yesterday at work, I fell for an April Fool's prank by my coworker. Later that evening, it was no prank when we responded to a call for service.
Battered, Bruised, and Bitten
Sitting in a quiet restaurant with my wife
Recapping the events of the afternoon; all seemed well
Then, a crackle of static in my ear
Those infamous words "I'll be right back"
Rarely is that promise kept; to be "right back"
Lights on, siren blaring to clear a path to trouble
Running towards the unknown
Screaming and then silence from 911
She was underneath him, father restraining daughter
Daughter by court order; her troubled past made blood parents a memory
When she was released from his confines, she bolted
Ran past my partner and out the back door
As he followed, I found her on the side of the house
Out the front door and in some bushes
Screaming. Crying. Angry. Vicious
I tried to reason with her; to calm her. She wanted none of it
Safety is our priority; handcuffs came out.
Seeing the glint of steel, she tried to run again
This time, caught in my grip; my fist entangled in her clothing
She wheeled towards me with anger in her eyes
The fight was on and I didn't intend to lose
It started as a pushing/pulling match and ended in the mud
My hands clawing for hers, to put on bracelets for the bad
I felt her shoes in my back; my side; my head
Cuffed at hand and foot, she became calmer
Funny how not being able to move will do that
I spoke with the guardians; they were hurt but not injured
Scratches and bites on faces and hands; and hearts
They were calm despite the storm in their yard
We spoke briefly and then off to jail we drove
I took a different route to gather my thoughts
And catch my breath for a possible round two
She was docile, more or less, as she hobbled to the door
Giving me dirty looks and evil eyes
She was jolted back to reality when she was reminded
That I was the older; the bigger; the stronger; the meaner
My second fight wasn't with her, but the state
No record; only 19; no problem
And no charges for battering an officer
I had forgotten what you can get away with when you're young
Printed, photoed and processed
And off to big girl jail, where they don't care what your problems are
Or were. Now you're a number in their system
Their problem for the night
Reports and papers finished and filed
We shook hands and reassured ourselves that we were okay
He went to his home and family, and I to mine
To rest, recover and return to the next fight the next day