Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013 - 0900

This originally started out as what I call a "snippet". Just a little bit of verse or a few lines that I save and hope to fill out into something later. I ended up writing the whole thing in about 20 minutes.


It was the deepest part of the night
Just before it becomes morning
As the dog and I walked
In our dark neighborhood

From my right I heard
A coyote bay
A sharp, long, lonely sound
A lost friend. A sad cry

We walked on; it didn't seem close
But who could tell
Echoes and trees have a way
Of distorting a sounds direction

Then from the left
Another coyote calls
Answering a friends call
Friends finding friends in the blackness

At first, I smiled
Nature at it's most natural
Two scavenger-predators
Out for a meal and a chat

But the baying kept on
My dog, oblivious to the potential danger
Kept at the business of her business
Nose to the ground, ears missing her kin

I understood what was happening
At least, I felt like I did
We were being watched
We were being followed

Turning us back towards the house
The call and respond followed
Down the sidewalk and to the driveway
Never getting closer, always following

I let out my breath as we went inside
They couldn't get in our house
My grip relaxed on the butt of my pistol
My dog begged for her treat

Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013 - 0900

Friends I Don't Even Know

I get the notifications daily
Or, at least on the day that they happen
Another officer killed in the line of duty
Another hero gone from the world

The number was the lowest in years
Tell that to the families left behind
Tell that to the children who are a parent short now

As I read the stories of their demise
I wonder and worry
About people I don't even know
Virtual cops

I wonder about @Mia_Ria
On the job with her children at home
I am concerned about @SuburbanFiveOh
And his recent switch to the midnight shift

I know only a little about @ShadowCoPodcast
But when the stream went eerily quiet
I hoped that he was okay
And that work had just become "work"

Others, like @TheMalligator and @LPD5408
Are still active and prolific
I know they are doing well
But I still am concerned for my brothers in blue

I wouldn't even know if something happened to them
Unless it showed up on the feed
In the timeline
If it were news, I'd never know it was them

I know ours is a dangerous job
We have loved ones who care for us
Who worry about us, want us home safely at night
I am a stranger to these officers, but I worry and care too

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 13, 2013 - 0900

Random Limerick Time!

It's hard to stay focused while working
Many things make my eyes herky-jerking
But I'll knuckle down
Because I'm not a clown
Leaving loose ends all a-quirking

My Baby and I are so happy
When we are awake or taking a nappy
We hold hands and kiss
It's a treat I won't miss
I agree when they say we are sappy

The weather dropped way too down low
I wonder how far it will go
It's too cold to for snowing
And the wind keeps on blowing
So in my toasty car I go patrol

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2013 - 0900

Welcome Back Poet, We Missed You

I know that it has been a while

Since I have written here
And so I hope to add more rhymes
Throughout the coming year

And not to be so sad and dour
To bring some happy thoughts
So everyone can read and smile
With the haves and the have-nots

If I miss a week or two
Don’t fret and don’t lament
I didn’t forget my place to write
I’ll be back to make a dent

In the minds of those who read
My silly little lines
And maybe make you stop and think
Deeply, from time to time