Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6, 2011 - 0500

Tonight was much, much better than the night before. There were lots of people all about, and they stayed for most of the night. This in turn, gave me lots of opportunity to make stops, talk to people, and eventually arrest someone. Which I did.

It was my second stop and I cashed in with it. The driver was pretty hammered, but mostly in control of himself. If only he'd turned on the headlights...

This is a Cyhydedd Fer Sonnet. There wasn't any real information regarding the origins, only the rhyme sequence. It's a set of eight rhyming couplets, with roughly eight syllables per line. Straight forward and easy.

Fun (For Me) Saturday Night

The weather was warm, made me sweat
Runs down my back where I can't get

The town was busy as could be
So I went out, a drunk to see

My first car stop had lights on high
She was sober, we said good bye

Second stop had no lights at all
Two times the limit; he took the fall

He was sent out into the night
And in my car I did take flight

My third stop was just simply lost
He went his way with laughter tossed

Nothing makes my night more cheery
Than arresting someone drunk and beery

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