Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011 - 0500

Tonight was a nice, warm and breezy evening. There were lots of people about, but try as we may we just couldn't get into anything. But we did have a few items of note, and I bring them to you in the form of a Terza rima. It took me a minute to get used to the rhyme scheme, as there is a hold over from the previous stanza. But once I got used to it, it was fairly easy to adhere to.

First Good Warm Night

My night started the way most first nights start
With ranting and raving about himself
The anger's his way of shielding his heart

I left fairly early, words on a shelf
Behind new apartments a drunkard slept
Peaceful, face down in the dirt like an elf

We helped him inside, to his home he crept
The door was too heavy, or he too drunk
To the bed he fell, in the bed he slept

Our main source of trouble, filled with young punks
But nary a call did we respond to
Often it's our source for those who're skunk drunk

At bar close there's action, men in a fight
Camera phones took pictures, as we took charge
Just friends they were, no melee this night

One car stopped in hopes a drunkard be found
And a second in straight away fashion
Neither panned out, they were shoo'ed from town

High hopes we had for some kind of action
The first good warm night had no drunk passion

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